eBooks.com discount coupons might be a useful item in your promotional toolkit.
If you’d like to enable a user or organisation to buy one or more of your titles at a discount, you can now login to the publisher hub and create a special discount coupon code, just for them.
Just type in the ISBN, the upper limit on the number of copies, and the discount you’d like to offer (say, 30%) and we’ll provide you with a special purpose coupon code to pass on to your customer. In turn, they might forward that coupon code to their users (students, staff, customers…), who can then claim the discount at checkout.
There are lots of permutations to this service. Some scholarly publishers provide discount coupons to textbook authors. The authors, in turn, pass the coupon to their students, who then buy their class texts at a discount.
If you have a promotional idea that involves discounts for special people, we can easily meet your needs.
Just contact us and we’ll be very glad to help.
How it works
Log in to your account at the Publishers’ Hub. Select Create discount coupons from the menu, and follow the steps.
You can make the discount apply to one, some, or all of your titles.
Set an expiry date (or not).
Send the coupon to anyone and they’ll get a discount when they buy your title(s) from eBooks.com.
It’s free and easy to use. Try it out!
When a recipient applies this coupon to a purchase on eBooks.com, the list price (RRP) will be reduced by the amount of the discount, for that transaction only. Our next sales report will show a sale of the ebook at the reduced list price, as set by you. So, for that sale, we will remit to you the difference between the reduced price and our prevailing trade discount.